64th Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition | Piano


Plazo: 20 de julio 2013.

1) The 64th Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition 2013 is open to Pianists of all nationality were born after 26 October 1981.

2) All music must be performed from memory. All the music performed must be published.

3) First prize winners in former Vercelli International Competitions are not allowed to compete in the section for which they were awarded for the prize.

4) All competitors must arrive at the Secretary of the Competition in Vercelli by 4.00pm on the day of convocation to attend an information meeting and the drawing ceremony.

5) The performing order of contestants determined by drawing before the first round will be maintained throughout the Competition except for the final round in which the order will be established by the members of the Jury.

6) Candidates are advised to remain in Vercelli, and must be available at all times during the whole period when they are competing.

7) The decisions of the Jury are final; in case of differences of interpretation of the Competition Regulations, the Italian text will be held as definitive.

8) In case of radio or television broadcast of the Competition, contestants have no financial or other rights, as regards the broadcasting and telecasting of the same. Participation in the Competition implies a tacit agreement of this above-mentioned rule.

9) The first prize is indivisible. The Jury can decide not to award any prize.

10) Prize-winners of the International Music Competition G.B. Viotti of Vercelli agree to make use in future of the exact title conferred by the Jury. Any misuse will be prosecuted.

11) The winners are committed to perform at the Prizewinners’Concert of the Competition without fee.

Award Ceremony

The Award ceremony will be held on the stage of Teatro Civico on Saturday, October 26, 2013 after the Jury has come to a decision.


For hotel accommodation, contestants can make a reservation themselves or apply to the Competition’s Office.


Any applicants requiring a visa must indicate this on the application form. The Competition’s Office will send the Italian diplomatic representation in their Country a letter of invitation.


Cash prize:

1st prize 16000 €
2nd prize 5000 €
3rd prize 3000 €

Other prize:
Audience prize 1000 €
Soroptimist prize 500 €

Age limit: 32 years old



Dates to remember

› July 20, 2013
Deadline for the application form

› August 24, 2013
Results of the preliminary selection

› October 16, 2013
Drawing ceremony


The Competition

› Thursday October 17, 2013
First round
from 10:00h am | with audience

› Friday October 18, 2013
First round
starting at 10:00h am | with audience

› Saturday October 19, 2013
First round
starting at 10:00h am | with audience

› Sunday October 20, 2013
First round
starting at 10:00h am | with audience

› Monday October 21, 2013
Second round
starting at 3:00h pm | with audience

› Tuesday October 22, 2013
Second round
starting at 3:00h pm | with audience

› Wednesday October 23, 2013
Semifinal round
starting at 3:00h pm | with audience

› Saturday October 26, 2013 8:30h pm
Final round
Carlo Coccia Symphony Orchestra


Más Información:



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